Brenda Starr Discusses Marriage Equality Supreme Court Hearings with Co-Editors of the Book “Here Come the Brides: Reflections on Lesbian Love & Marriage”, Audrey Bilger and Michele Kort

The Supreme Court of The United States has recently listened to arguments over two major decisions related to the rights of same-sex couples: Proposition 8 (State of California) and D.O.M.A. – the Defense Of Marriage Act (US Government). Their decisions will probably be announced in June –National Gay Pride Month.

Will California's Proposition 8 Survive the US Supreme Court? — Which Way, L.A.? — KCRW

Only fools try to predict decisions by the US Supreme Court, but after today's arguments about Proposition 8, there's a cautious consensus that the Court might make a very narrow decision. It might even decide not to decide on same-sex marriage one way or the other. What would that mean in California, where Prop 8 banned same-sex marriage in 2008, but where polls show there's now a majority in favor of opening up the institution to gays and lesbians?  On our rebroadcast of today's To the Point,

Same-Sex Marriage, Gender and the Prop 8 Ruling — To the Point — KCRW

If women are equal under the law, then bans on same-sex marriage are state-approved discrimination. We look at that and other arguments used by a federal judge to throw out Proposition 8 in California and set off arguments we’ll be hearing for a long time. Also, the House interrupts its six-week recess to vote on money to states, and girls may be reaching puberty earlier than before.  We look at the possible reasons and the challenges.